The Fastest and the Slowest Trains in Indian Railways!
In every article, I say that India has one of the biggest railway networks in the world and in this article too, I said the same thing because it's important to know. Coming to the point, There are tens of thousands of trains working everyday to transport humans and goods from one place to another. On Average, 12617 Passenger trains are operational on daily basis and they transport billions of people. Also, There are few thousand Goods Trains that transport goods from one place to another! They are more than 5000 goods trains operational in Indian Railways Daily! Out of tens of thousands of trains, Some trains are fast and some trains are slow as all of them can't be same because all of them are made on different days and different days means different technology which means different power and different speed! Yes we believe that the Land on which the specific train is going to operate matters too but not much! Here in this article, we will tell you about the fastest an...